
Tobii Pro Spectrum



Screen-based eye tracker capturing gaze data at speeds up to 1200 Hz. This high-performance research system provides superior data quality and is designed for extensive research into behavior and eye movements – from fixation-based studies to micro-saccades.

Фото галерея

Технические характеристики

The 3-D eye model delivers superior gaze data, including wide gaze angles and all corners of the screen

Two eye tracking cameras, both taking up to 1200 images per second of both eyes

Both bright and dark pupil illumination produce superior eye image quality for processing, resulting in very high precision

Demonstrates extremely robust tracking capabilities, regardless of ethnicity, age, or corrective lenses

Detects eyes instantly with minimal data loss during blinks or when subjects look away

Maintains high accuracy, precision, and tracking robustness during subjects’ head movements and in different lighting environments

Allows precise synchronization of gaze information with data from other sources, such as EEG, GSR, or ECG

Captures pupil data at the same sampling rate as the gaze data

Provides eye images to allow researchers to understand what is affecting the data

Monocular calibration can be conducted through the Tobii Pro Eye Tracker Manager or the Tobii Pro SDK.

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