
Two Electrode Voltage Clamp (Oocyte) Systems



These systems are designed for two-electrode, whole-cell voltage clamping of large cells such as Xenopus oocytes and cell structures such as squid axons. They are either bundled with an Oocyte Clamp Amplifier or a more comprehensive Two Electrode Voltage Clamp Workstation, which provide clamping and amplification of measured signals from glass microelectrodes/sharp electrodes. The amplified signals are then recorded and analysed via the supplied PowerLab and LabChart Pro data acquisition system. Glass microelectrodes/sharp electrodes are purchased separately. Two E series electrode holders are also supplied to connect 1.5 mm diameter glass microelectrodes/sharp electrodes to the corresponding headstages of the Oocyte Clamp Amplifier. Their vented designs prevent pressure build-up inside the electrode, which can damage oocytes.

Фото галерея

Технические характеристики

High compliance voltage (±180 V).

Unique bath clamp circuitry.

Ideal for clamping large cells and cell structures, e.g. squid axons.

Extended current measuring range.

Decreased noise level and 4-pole Bessel filter.

An internal switch permits measurements of the current in series with the current electrode, instead of in the bath.

Optional differential voltage headstages.

Buzz controls (1 kHz square wave) for each electrode aid in penetration of cell membranes with a minimum of leakage.

Overload alarm (audible and visual) indicate when the compliance voltage is exceeded safeguarding the Oocyte and indicating that current records are subject to saturation.

DC Offsets for both voltage and current electrodes.

Electrode Test for both electrodes.

Capacity Compensation for the Vm voltage input.

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