
EyeLink Portable Duo



The Portable Eye Tracker with Uncompromised Data Quality.

The latest addition to the EyeLink eye tracker series is a highly portable solution that provides fast, accurate, and reliable eye tracking in a wide range of research scenarios. The compact hardware delivers accurate and precise measures of gaze location and pupil size. The consistent binocular sampling rate, at up to 2000Hz, enables the most sophisticated and demanding eye-movement research, both in and out of the lab.

Фото галерея

Технические характеристики

Mobility – Everything needed can fit in a carry-on bag.

Flexibility – Dual-use head-stabilized or remote head free-to-move eye tracking with distinct algorithms optimized for your research application.

Superior Data Quality – Robust, accurate and precise data for even the most demanding scientific and medical applications.

Ease of Use – Quick and simple setup, recording, and analysis.

Compatibility – Smoothly integrates with SR Research Experiment Builder, Data Viewer and third-party software and equipment.

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